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Business Supports

Grey County is working together with its member municipalities to actively monitor and respond where able to ongoing challenges related to Canada-USA relations.

Table of Contents

Response Strategy to Tariff Threats

Grey County is working together with its member municipalities to actively monitor the current situation. We are committed to collectively supporting our business community across the region.

The Economic Development team is participating in federal, provincial and industry led sessions, and maintaining contact with neighbouring Counties across Western Ontario to gather insights and information. As details become available, on areas such as programs, services, funding and policy direction, it will be shared to this page and distributed through County and municipal newsletters and staff updates. The Western Ontario Warden's Caucus has also developed a survey for businesses owners to share details about how tariffs will impact their operations. It can be found below. 

Tariff Business Impact Survey - Western Ontario Wardens Caucus (WOWC)

Grey County staff will also gather insights from our local businesses through conversations and networking. This includes joint efforts with industry partners such as Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC). Information collected through all approaches will be summarized and provided back to upper levels of government to advocate for response programs.

Made in Grey

In alignment with the Made in Canada and Made in Ontario movement, Grey County is making its Made in Grey brand available for use by local businesses. Originally launched in 2019, the brand was developed to strengthen community pride and support for Grey County businesses through public facing co-promotion. Grey County’s Economic Development team uses this identity and brand across platforms, both in market and externally. It’s our stamp of local pride.

We invite local businesses to make use of the Made in Grey brand. There is no cost to participate, simply display and circulate Made in Grey branded materials to grow local awareness and pride in Grey County.

Download Made in Grey Toolkit

Made in Grey Logo Files
Proudly Made In Grey County - Logo

The Made in Grey logo is made available to businesses in Grey County and is to be applied in good faith to local products and product promotions. Application of the Made in Grey logo is not an endorsement by Grey County. Grey County reserves the right to prohibit the use of the Made in Grey logo on products or promotions that do not reflect positively on the Grey County region.

Local Business Support (click to expand)

The Grey County Business Enterprise Centre offers a range of services and resources to help businesses start-up, scale-up, and thrive. The BEC offers one-on-one consults, mentorship, business training and grant programs.

Phone: 519-371-3232

Email: bec [at] (bec[at]grey[dot]ca)

HBEC’s programming and services, including Intellectual Property (IP) advising and access to mentors and business experts, is available to entrepreneurs and businesses in communities throughout Grey Bruce.

Phone: 249-388-0092

Email: amanda.mejia [at] (amanda[dot]mejia[at]georgiancollege[dot]ca)

Grey County’s Economic Development team takes a regional approach to business supports. This includes working with staff from all member municipalities, as well as neighbouring Counties, the province and the federal government. We gather, summarize and distribute relevant information on programs, services and funding supports. We also develop programs and initiatives to support regional development and out-of-region marketing.

Phone: 519-372-0219

Email: ecdev [at] (ecdev[at]grey[dot]ca)

Grey County

Situated two hours north of Toronto, Grey County offers beauty you can’t get in the city.

  • 595 9th Ave East Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 3E3
  • (519) 376-2205 | 1-800-567-4739