Land Use Planning
Information about the Grey County Official Plan: Recolour Grey, land use planning, active development, planning application forms, and connections with local municipal planners and other agencies.
Planning and Development Projects
Active development files in Grey County.
Planning and Development Projects
External Planning Contacts
Connect with other planning authorities at local municipalities, the Niagara Escarpment Commission, and Indigenous offices.
Official Plan and Policies
Grey County’s official plan, called Recolour Grey, helps Grey County set goals related to development, communities, and our natural resources. On this page you will also find information relating to municipal zoning and other policies.
Interactive Planning Map
The Interactive Map map displays municipal zoning and other information contained with the Grey County Official Plan and supporting documents.
Planning Application Forms
Find forms, technical guidelines, procedures and other resources for development applications in Grey County.
Natural Resource Management
Natural Resource Management involves the responsible management of renewable and non-renewable resources such as water, land, forests, minerals, and wildlife within Grey County’s jurisdiction, as well as natural heritage review for planning.
Ecological Offsetting
Ecological Offsetting is when environmental impacts are incurred in one area and compensated for in another area, aiming to achieve ‘no net loss’ and promote overall ‘net gains’ of natural features within the broader ecosystem.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to frequently asked questions about County land use planning.