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Road Permits and Forms

If you are hosting a road race, putting in a new driveway, or looking to install a sign along a Grey County Road the policies and forms on this page will help ensure your activities can be completed safely and according to County by-laws.

Step 1 - Locate Permit Forms

Permits are now managed online using Transnomis. Clicking the links below will take you to the Transnomis site to manage your permit application online.

Annual Oversize Permit: 
(Calendar year January 1 to December 31)

Single Oversize Move Permit

For vehicles over 5.0 Metres (16’5”) in width and/or over 45.75 metres (150’) in length and/or in excess of 63,500 kg (140,000 lbs) in weight.  Police escort is required in some cases, see permit for details.

An Overload Permit is required when dimensions or weight exceeds the normal limits permitted by legislation.  Details as follows:

Maximum Width
Vehicle Including Load - 2.6 Metres

  • Raw Forest Products (En Route) - 2.8 Metres       
  • Road Service Vehicles defined as vehicles travelling to and from a maintenance site or repair centre - No Specified Limit     
  • Loose farm products (including rectangular and round bales of hay) -  No Specified Limit   

Maximum Length
Single Vehicle Including Load - 12.5 Metres

  • A Fire Apparatus
  • A Semi-Trailer
  • An Articulated Bus

Maximum Length (Semi-Trailer)
Semi-Trailer Including Load - 14.65 Metres                             

Maximum Length Combination
Combination of Vehicle and Load - 23.0 Metres          

Maximum Height
Vehicle and Load - 4.15 Metres        

Maximum Weight
Maximum wight allowances are determined using axle configurations and spacing.  An overload permit is required if the axle and/or gross vehicle weight exceeds the limits set out in the Highway Traffic Act (HTA).

Farm Vehicle Exemption
Over-dimensional farm vehicles are exempt from permit requirements when the vehicle is self-propelled or drawn by a farm tractor.

Who do I contact for using a King's Highway (i.e. Highway 10)?  
Ministry of Transportation

Some lower tier municipalities require an oversize permit when using their local roads.  You will need to contact that Municipality to discuss their requirements.

Step 2 - Submission and Payment

Submission Methods (Entrance Permits Only)

Completed Entrance Permits can be submitted to roads [at] Once processed, Grey County will send you a payment link for credit card payment.  Payments may also be made by cheque. Please include your cheque in an envelope with your completed permit application and mail it to:

Transportation Services
Grey County 595 9th Avenue East
Owen Sound, ON  N4K 3E3

All other permits must be summited through Permit Central using the links above.

General Inquiries:  519-376-2205

Step 3 - Process and Turnaround Time

Entrance, Encroachment and Advertising Signs Permits

Once a completed permit application and payment have been received at the Grey County Transportation Services Department office, it can take up to 4 weeks (20 business days) for the permit to be reviewed and signed off by all parties at the County.  During this period, the permit location is visited by County personnel in the field to ensure that it meets the County’s specifications for a road access location.  It is then returned to the office where it is signed off by the Director. Then the approved permit is returned to the applicant with instructions on how to proceed.  Should the permit not meet specifications, County personnel will contact the applicant and advise them of the problem.

Release of Holdback Fee for Entrance Permits

Once an entrance has been installed, please complete the Declaration for Holdback Release Form (included in package) and submit to the office.  Once again County personnel will visit the permit location and view the work that has been done.  If all requirements of the permit have been met, the County will process the refund of the deposit.  It can take up to three (3) weeks for a cheque to be processed.

If the entrance does not meet County specifications, the applicant will be advised of what is required to properly finish the entrance.  Once this remedial work is completed, the applicant must once again request an entrance inspection and have it passed by County personnel prior to the deposit being refunded.

Step 4 - Personal Information

Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

The personal information collected from all forms is being collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purposes of administering permits. Questions about this collection should be directed to the County of Grey Clerk at 1-800-567-4739 or 595 9th Avenue East, Owen Sound, ON N4K 3E3.

Privacy Statement

Grey County

Situated two hours north of Toronto, Grey County offers beauty you can’t get in the city.

  • 595 9th Ave East Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 3E3
  • (519) 376-2205 | 1-800-567-4739