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Loon Call Subdivision Redline Revision

Background: In 2021, a subdivision commonly referred to as Loon Call subdivision received draft plan of subdivision approval subject to detailed conditions to be satisfied prior to final approval.  Related site-specific Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments were also approved at that time to provide the policy framework for future development. Recently, the draft plan approval received a three year extension till February 3, 2028 for the development of 201 residential dwelling units. The proponent has registered Phase 1 of the Draft Plan Approval (16M-89), which consisted of 97 units.

Current Applications: New applications have been submitted to modify the draft plan of subdivision and site specific zoning by-law provisions as they apply to a portion of the site. 

Please note that the proposed changes affect only the northern portion of the subject lands as outlined in red on the site sketch below.  There is no change proposed to the open space or environmental protection lands. 

Redline Revision to Draft Plan of Subdivision (County file number 42T-2020-06)

The purpose and effect of the redline revision to the subdivision is to convert 23 of the proposed single detached lots located at the north end of the development to 36 townhouse units. In order to implement this request approval is being sought for a redline revision to the Draft Plan Approval. The following revisions of draft plan approval are being requested and are reflected in the site sketch below:

  • Lot 166 has been reduced in width from 8.5 metres to 6 metres as it is no longer a townhouse end unit.
  • Lots 167 to 178 and Lot 191 to 201 on the Approved Draft Plan have been modified from single detached lot to townhouse lots and renumbered Lots 167 to 202.
  • Lots 179 to 190 have been renumbered to Lots 203 to 214.

There are no changes affecting the Block Numbers, which were lettered.

To implement these proposed changes to the Draft Plan of Subdivision, a Zoning By-law Amendment is required from the Municipality of Meaford.

Proposed Loon Call Redline Revision Concept Plan

File Number
Municipality of Meaford
Staff Contact
Scott Taylor
Job Title
Director of Planning
Planning and Development

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