Meaford Haven
A redline revision application which would revise the previously approved Draft Plan of Subdivision to reduce the size of the future commercial block along Sykes Street North (Highway 26) and reduce the size of the stormwater management block which results in an increase in the size of the adjacent future residential block. To implement these proposed changes to the subdivision, changes to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law are required. The Official Plan Amendment would reduce the size of the “Urban Highway Commercial” designated area by redesignating a portion of the lands to “Urban Living Area” which is the same designation that applies to adjacent residential lands. The Zoning By-law Amendment would reduce the size of the “Highway Commercial – Exception” (C2-239-H5) Zone and to reduce the size of the “Open Space – Exception” (OS-200) Zone by rezoning a portion fo the lands to “Multiple Residential – H5” (RM-H5) Zone which is the same zone that applies to the adjacent residential lands. These changes affect only the northeast portion of the overall subject lands (generally north of Country Crescent).