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Age-Friendly Community Strategy and Action Plan

Grey County has developed an Age-Friendly Community (AFC) Strategy and Action Plan

The project expanded on policy and research initiatives undertaken by the County (i.e. Grey County Official Plan, Age-Friendly study by University of Guelph students, Grey Bruce Community Safety and Well-Being Plan, etc.),  creating a roadmap to guide the County and inform the work of local municipalities and other community partners. The Plan helps ensure decisions and actions reflect and respond to the needs of everyone; including youth, working-age, older adults, and people with disabilities. AFC planning creates a more inclusive environment for all individuals.

This strategy and action plan focuses on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) eight age-friendly community domains: outdoor spaces and public buildings, transportation, housing, respect and social inclusion, civic participation and employment, community and information, community support and health services, and social participation.

The Plan

Final Engagement Findings Report (2021)

Final Age-Friendly Community Strategy (2021)

Final Age-Friendly Community Action Plan (2022)

Background Review Report (July 2021)

Visioning Workshops Summary (July 2021)


Project Funding

Grey County received $60,000 for this project through the Inclusive Community Grant, funded by the Government of Ontario.


Grey County

Situated two hours north of Toronto, Grey County offers beauty you can’t get in the city.

  • 595 9th Ave East Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 3E3
  • (519) 376-2205 | 1-800-567-4739