Archaeological Management Plan
Grey County has engaged TMHC Inc. to support County staff in creating an Archaeological Management Plan (AMP).This plan will support the county’s long-term identification, evaluation and protection of archaeological sites.
Grey County’s AMP will include written policies, programs and strategies designed to protect significant archaeological sites and will help to streamline the planning and development review process.
A key part of an AMP is detailed maps indicating where archaeologists are likely to find important sites. These maps are created through an Archeological Potential Model, which incorporates data on historic settlements, transportation routes and natural features.
Grey County has a rich cultural heritage spanning more than 13,000 years. Protecting our cultural resources, including archaeological sites and artefacts, is vital to understand our past.
Under the legislative framework provided by the Planning Act in Ontario, municipalities are required to recognize lands containing archaeological sites or areas of archaeological potential. To protect this valuable heritage, provincial cultural heritage and archaeological policies encourage municipalities to develop Archaeological Management Plans that focus on the identification and conservation of archaeological resources within their jurisdictions.
The AMP project aims to:
- Respect Indigenous Rights & Reconciliation: The plan will acknowledge and respect Indigenous perspectives, supporting the rights of Indigenous peoples to preserve and safeguard significant cultural heritage from their history. Consultation with First Nations and Metis communities, descendant communities, and cultural heritage stewards is a vital component of the AMP project.
- Guide sound land use planning decisions: The completed AMP will direct land use planning process and decisions related to new developments, particularly relating to requirements for Archaeological Assessments.
- Follow best practice in archaeological resource management: The plan will reflect current industry standards.
- Ensure compliance with governing legislation: The plan will identify and support adherence to relevant regulations and guidelines.
Please note the AMP is a document designed to guide further planning and assessments. The plan itself does not provide a detailed history of settlement of the County, field investigations, or physical site assessments.
Grey County is in the initial consultation phase of developing the AMP. This phase involves gathering insights, addressing concerns, and ensuring collaboration with rights holders, land stewards and various community stakeholders. Information will be shared throughout the process via this project webpage.
Early Consultation Goals:
- Understanding Needs and Expectations: County staff will work with local individuals, municipalities, communities, and other land, resource, and cultural heritage stewards to gain insight into their needs and expectations for the AMP.
- Indigenous Community Engagement: Local Indigenous Communities will be engaged early on in the process, to provide the opportunity to identify their interest in participation, preferred forms of communication, and any supports needed to facilitate engagement.
The project will be guided by a Technical Advisory Committee. Details on this Committee will be shared on this page.
The AMP project is beginning spring 2024 and is expected to extend into early 2025.
Consultation with Indigenous communities and key municipal, provincial, cultural and heritage stakeholders began in spring 2024.
Background and Model Methodology reports have now been prepared and have been reviewed together with the project Technical Advisory Committee. These reports are included on this project page, under the 'Documents' tab. The preparation of the archaeological potential model is now underway. The draft model is expected to be ready for preliminary review and comment by partners and stakeholders late this fall. Project updates will continue to be posted as milestones are achieved and as timing is further refined.
Questions? Comments?
Liz Buckton, Senior Policy Planner,
liz.buckton [at] (liz[dot]buckton[at]grey[dot]ca)
or use the form below.