Grey County Year End Highlights 2023
At Grey County, we’re committed to the efficient delivery of services that make Grey a great place to live and work. We operate a full service upper-tier municipal organization that includes a variety of services for residents and businesses with an approximate 2023 budget of $225 million. Grey County serves over 100,000 full-time residents, thousands more seasonal residents and millions of visitors.

Clerk / Council Services
The Clerks Department works closely with Grey County Council, maintaining an open and transparent political process and acting as a bridge between council and the public.
- County Council completed their first year in the four year council term, with half of County Councillors new for the 2023 year.
- Council supported the recommendations of the Shko Naaniibwida – Standing Strong Together document developed by the M'Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship Centre, which provides guidance on how Grey County can further recognize and support First Nations culture.
- Council committed $1 million over five years in support of a new Mental Health Wellness and Recovery Centre in Owen Sound.
- Clerks transitioned to a new agenda management platform, making it easier to find and watch council and other meeting items that are important to you.
- Planning work was undertaken to lay the groundwork for a new Corporate Strategic Plan, coming in early 2024.

Community Services
Community Services help our community through housing and homelessness prevention, early learning and child care, and Ontario Works.
- Maintained 997 units of rent-geared-to-income housing and supported 500+ units of non-profit housing.
- Overseeing the licensing of childcare centres and home-based childcare and provided resources to support early learning.
- Completed renovations on a new supportive housing building in Owen Sound. The building is now open and provides twelve independent living units for residents of Grey County who are transitioning from homelessness or the shelter system and need some supports to live independently.
- Celebrated one full year of providing emergency shelter through the Short Term Shelter Program with over 13,000 nights of shelter provided.
- Supported a new overnight warming shelter in downtown Owen Sound through Safe ‘N Sound.
- Continued to grow the successful Supportive Outreach Service program, bringing outreach through paramedic and social services to vulnerable Grey County residents.
- The Early Learning Hub Resource Centre celebrated its 1st anniversary. The Hub offers a lending library, professional learning opportunities and tools to support the ongoing learning and development of educators within our community.

CAO and Corporate Services
Corporate Services often fly under the radar, but these departments are hard at work keeping things at the County running smoothly and efficiently.
- Grey Transit Route partnered with Georgian College to provide free regional transportation for students during the winter semester.
- A new rain garden was planted at the Grey County Administration Building, helping to support bees and other pollinators and involve the community in climate action.
- Climate Change staff partnered with The Sustainability Project to run the second annual Youth Climate Action Conference. This conference brings local youth and partners together to learn about climate change and develop actionable community projects.
- The Grey County Joint Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee launched a new Municipal Accessible Spaces Map, which provides details on accessible features in municipally owned facilities throughout Grey County.

Economic Development, Tourism and Culture
- A new Economic Development, Tourism, and Culture master plan was finalized. Called the Grey’t Reset, the plan examines the resources and priority needs of our community and helps the department focus on activities that will bring the most value to municipalities in the county.
- Four regional job fairs were hosted across Grey County, bringing together local employers with diverse job seekers with different skills.
- Grey County, Grey Highlands, and Town of the Blue Mountains began collaboration on a sustainable tourism strategy for the growing Beaver Valley Corridor, balancing economic and environmental needs with visitor opportunities.
- Grey County teamed up with Bruce County, the city of Owen Sound, and Hydrogen Optimized to create a coalition to establish the area as a leader in clean hydrogen technology, production, and use.
- Grey Roots Museum & Archives launched Saukiing Anishnaabekiing presents Our Stories, showing Grey County’s history through Anishnaabe creation stories.
- Grey County was named one of the Smart21 communities of 2023 by the global Intelligent Community Forum. The forum recognizes communities that embrace technology to improve prosperity and inclusiveness.
- Grey Roots launched an interactive online map of significant Black history sites in Grey County, featuring archival and modern photos, detailed historical information, and links to further resources.

Long-Term Care
- Grey County long-term care provides home, care, and community for 319 long-term care residents across three facilities.
- Grey County Long-Term Care was presented with an award of excellence by the Economic Development Council of Ontario for their Local Workforce Development Initiative. The initiative brings together local education and community partners to help guide job seekers towards a fulfilling career in healthcare and long-term care.
- The Rockwood Terrace site was prepared for redevelopment work, including servicing the site with infrastructure and creating new roadways. Construction will take place in 2024-2026, with the new facility expanding the number of available beds and designed around the community who will call the space home.

Paramedic Services
- Paramedic Services received more than 30,000 calls in 2023 and continued to deliver community paramedicine services across the county.
- Grey County Community care providers continued to offer Supportive Outreach Services, bringing care to our community’s most vulnerable individuals through bi-weekly clinics that support those suffering from mental health and substance use issues.
- Paramedic Services completed a comprehensive deployment services review, which forecasted population growth, demographic trends and the evolution of demand in the County.

The Planning Department processes and approves planning applications to support the sustainable growth of our communities.
- The Housing Action Plan was created to help address housing affordability challenges by focusing on creating deeply affordable housing as well as market-rate and "missing-middle" housing.
- Grey County and member municipalities came together to host a Housing Forum with elected officials to discuss current challenges with housing and plan how to best support more affordable housing options.
- The department pivoted to adjust to the new changes that were enacted with Bill 23, the More Homes Built Faster Act, including allowing additional residential units.
- Grey County embarked on a one-year pilot project with the Ontario Federation of Trail Riders to allow some off-road motorcycles on the rail trail between Rockford and Dundalk.

Transportation Services keeps 877 kilometers of county roads and 192 bridges and structures safe, cleared, serviced, and repaired year-round – including during our significant snow storms.
- A new online platform was launched, allowing individuals and businesses to apply for oversize and overweight load permits more easily on Grey County-owned roads.
- Major work completed during the 2023 season included:
- Overlay and shoulder replacement on Grey Road 2 between Grey Road 31 and Grey Road 19; and Grey Road 19 between Grey Road 2 and The Blue Mountains-Clearview Townline
- Reconstruction of Grey Road 7 between Grey Road 40 and Sideroad 4, and Grey Road 13 to Sideroad 22; and Grey Road 18 between Grey Road 11 and Grey Road 29.
- Reconstruction, shoulder paving, and storm sewer and watermain infrastructure of Grey Road 7 between Highway 26 and Muir Street in Meaford; and Grey Road 28 between 14th Street North to the Saugeen River Bridge.