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Grey County Public Buildings Reopen By Appointment

Welcome Back!

Grey County public buildings are now open to visitors by appointment or reservation. The following Visitor Protocols will help keep our sites safe for you, other visitors, and staff. If you have any questions, please contact us

Before you arrive at any County facility, please ensure that you and everyone in your party can answer NO to the following questions:

  • Do you have any new or worsening symptoms or signs:
    • Fever or chills
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath
    • Sore throat
    • Runny nose
    • Sneezing
    • Nasal congestion
    • Hoarse voice
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • New smell or taste disorder(s)
    • Nausea/vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Abdominal pain
    • Unexplained fatigue/malaise
    • Headache
    • Eye infection/conjunctivitis
    • Multisystem inflammatory vasculitis (in children)
  • Have you travelled outside of Canada within the past 14 days?
  • Have you had close contact* with anyone with respiratory illness or a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19?

*Close physical contact means: speaking with someone less than 2 metres away for over 15 minutes; being in the same room or workspace for over 15 minutes; or living in the same home.

If you or anyone in your party answer YES to any of the above questions at the time of your visit, please do not enter the facility. Please be aware that regardless of your answer to the screening questions, if you or anyone in your party are visibly ill, you may be asked to reschedule your appointment.

What to expect

  • Masks are required inside all enclosed public spaces in Grey County. You are encouraged to bring your own face covering. Disposable masks will be available at site entrances if you have forgotten yours. You can expect our staff to be masked in public spaces as well. We want to keep everyone safe.
  • Hand sanitizer is available at all sites. Please sanitize your hands when you first enter and regularly throughout your visit.
  • Directional arrows are in place at many sites. Please follow them and maintain 2 metres distance from everyone who is not part of your party whenever possible.
  • Visitor contact information will be collected for all visitors to County facilities. This may take place when you book your visit, or it may place when you arrive at the facility.  

To make an appointment:

To make an appointment, please contact the department you wish to speak with, or your caseworker if you have one. We will work with you to schedule a visit.

Phone: 1-800-567-4736



What else to expect when you arrive at:

The Admin Building (595 9th Ave E, Owen Sound)

  • You will need to enter via the main doors on the East side of the building.
  • If you’re visiting the building for Provincial Offenses matters, you will need to check in with Court staff at the POA desk outside the courtroom for further instruction.
  • Washroom facilities are available.

Ontario Works Satellite Offices

  • Please ring the doorbell and wait to be let into the building by an employee. Some building areas are not available to visitors at this time, including public washroom facilities.

Grey Roots

  • You are strongly encouraged to book a time slot for your visit in advance at, as capacity at Grey Roots is limited to 40 people at a time. Bookings can be made online at or over the phone at 519-376-3690.
  • Understand that some areas and exhibits may be closed for your safety.

Early Education Centre

  • A schedule of events will be communicated to families and childcare providers. Families must register for services in advance in order to limit the number of people in each session. Unfortunately, drop-in sessions cannot be accommodated.

Provincial Offences

The Provincial Offences Court remains closed until October 16. The Provincial Offences ticket payment window is now open for in-person payments, or you can continue to pay tickets online.

Grey County

Situated two hours north of Toronto, Grey County offers beauty you can’t get in the city.

  • 595 9th Ave East Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 3E3
  • (519) 376-2205 | 1-800-567-4739