Grey Road 16 Road Construction - Public Information Session
Grey County is hosting a come and go public information session on Wednesday, June 5 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Grey Roots Museum to discuss a summer construction project on Grey Road 16.
The road will be under construction form mid-August to mid-October.
Grey County will be paving and reconstructing a portion of Grey Road 16 from Concession 5 Derby/Concession 6 Chatsworth to Highway 6 &10 and lowering the road just east of Concession 5 Derby to improve visibility.
Total Investment: $1.02 Million
Grey Road 16 will be CLOSED from Concession 5 Derby Concession 6 Chatsworth to Concession 5A for a two-week period during this project. Timing of the closure will be determined by the constructing Contractor. Please refer to the attached map showing the detour route.
Other than the closure period, the road will remain open with intermittent lane closures with traffic control.
The projects will include:
- Culvert replacement
- Road reconstruction
- Asphalt paving
Total Investment:
During the project, the following restrictions will be in place:
- Work will be carried out during regular daylight hours
- Local emergency vehicle access will be maintained at all times
Questions about the project can be directed to:
Grey County Transportation Services
519-376-7337 (Mon. to Fri., 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
roads [at] (roads[at]grey[dot]ca)
Project Map
Detour Map