IMPORTANT Directive on Visitor Restrictions
On March 14, all long-term care homes in the province were strongly advised to allow only essential visitors until further notice. The ministry is identifying essential visitors as those who have a resident who is dying or very ill. Grey County will comply with this advisory effective immediately.
Essential visitors will need to meet the active screening protocols currently in place.
We recognize that this is a significant change for residents and for caregivers. The health and well-being of all Ontarians, including long-term care residents, their families, and staff, is the government’s number one priority. As such, proactive measures, such as this, are being taken across sectors as we continue to look at all possible courses of action to limit the spread of COVID-19.
Grey County is working on system to allow families to connect to their resident remotely, via phone or video. We will share those instructions early next week. At any time, if your family member becomes critically ill, the contact/Power of Attorney on file will be called by the home.
For further information, please contact Jennifer Cornell at Jennifer.cornell [at] (Jennifer[dot]cornell[at]grey[dot]ca) or 519-372-0219 ext. 2126.