Recolour Grey
After three years of public engagement, drafts, revisions and reviews, Recolour Grey was approved by the Province on June 6, 2019.
View Approved Plan Schedules A, B and C Appendices A-E Secondary Schedules
Proposed Official Plan Amendment 11
Grey County is initiating an amendment to our County Official Plan, Recolour Grey, to update our residential and employment growth forecasts, and other housekeeping matters. Mapping and text changes are proposed to the Plan through Official Plan Amendment (OPA) # 11.
What is the County Official Plan?
Recolour Grey is the name of Grey County’s update of the County Official Plan. The County Official Plan sets goals related to development, communities and our natural resources. This plan divides the county into different land uses (agricultural, wetland, urban etc.) and sets policies for each designation.
The Official Plan is active for 20 years and is revised every few years to ensure it is effective and relevant.
Recolour Grey relied on meaningful public input from stakeholders of all ages, genders and backgrounds. Public participation helped us define what matters most to residents and what opportunities we have to grow over the next 20 years.
The Recolour Grey Process
Recolour Grey was a two and a half year journey, speaking with the public and incorporating feedback into drafts of the official plan. Recolour Grey began in 2016 with an official launch followed by multiple public information sessions and engagement at popular community events. Staff created five discussion papers focusing on key themes from consultations:
What is the County Official Plan?
Recolour Grey is the name of Grey County’s update of the County Official Plan. The County Official Plan sets goals related to development, communities and our natural resources. This plan divides the county into different land uses (agricultural, wetland, urban etc.) and sets policies for each designation.
The Official Plan is active for 20 years and is revised every few years to ensure it is effective and relevant.
Recolour Grey relied on meaningful public input from stakeholders of all ages, genders and backgrounds. Public participation helped us define what matters most to residents and what opportunities we have to grow over the next 20 years.
The Recolour Grey Process
Recolour Grey was a two and a half year journey, speaking with the public and incorporating feedback into drafts of the official plan. Recolour Grey began in 2016 with an official launch followed by multiple public information sessions and engagement at popular community events. Staff created five discussion papers focusing on key themes from consultations:

Grey County hosted public workshops in all nine local municipalities in the summer of 2017 to share findings and discuss policy options. The first draft of the new plan was written and further revisions were made leading up to another public meeting in March 2018.
Recolour Grey Official Plan Meeting March 27, 2018
Following the public meeting, more adjustments were made to the plan and Grey County continued to collect feedback throughout the summer of 2018.
A final draft of the new Official Plan was presented to Grey County Council in September 2018. It was formally endorsed with a few final changes on October 25, 2018.
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