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Construction and Resurfacing

Maintaining 877 kilometres of County roads is no small task. Each year, millions are invested into our roads to ensure they are safe for travelers throughout the region.

Construction Maps

The Planned Construction and Resurfacing Map shows tentative road and structure replacement (bridges and culverts) projects planned for the year. The 10-year plan shows which projects are planned over the next decade. These projects are subject to Council approval. Priority may change based on conditions of the roads. 

Interactive Map

Grey County also adds planned and active construction to our interactive map. Click on active projects to learn more about the scope and timing of the projects.

2023 Construction

2023 construction project details.
Road Name Location Duration Details
Road Name Grey Road 2 Location Between Grey Road 31 and Grey Road 19 Duration June 19 to July 21 Details Overlay and granular shoulder replacement
Road Name Grey Road 7 Location Between Grey Road 40 and Sideroad 4 Duration May 15 to August 25 Details Reconstruction
Road Name Grey Road 7 Location From 2.8km north of Grey Road 13 to Sideroad 22 Duration May 15 to August 25 Details Reconstruction
Road Name Grey Road 7 Location Between Highway 26 and Muir Street in Meaford Duration Mid-June to early September Details Include reconstruction, shoulder paving, and storm sewer and watermain infrastructure
Road Name Grey Road 18 Location Between Grey Road 11 and Grey Road 29 Duration May 15 to August 25 Details Reconstruction
Road Name Grey Road 19 Location Between Grey Road 2 and The Blue Mountains-Clearview Townline Duration June 19 to July 21 Details Overlay and shoulder replacement
Road Name Grey Road 28 Location between 14th Street North to the Saugeen River Bridge in Hanover Duration Summer 2023 Details Reconstruction, paved shoulders, sidewalk installation, storm sewer and watermain infrastructure

Planned construction timelines are a best estimate. Projects may be impacted by weather conditions and other delays.

Construction and Resurfacing Frequently Asked Questions

Grey County’s Asset Management Plan, as well as inspections, help Council make decisions for when construction, resurfacing or bridge replacement projects need to be completed. 

To report a non-urgent issue (potholes, cracking), please email A member of our staff will review your message and staff in the field will investigate your concerns if needed before we follow up with you.

To report an urgent road issue (significant damage, debris on a road), please call us at 519-376-7337 ext. 1217. For an emergency such as a traffic accident, call 9-1-1.

Grey County is committed to keeping our roads safe. We actively patrol roads to spot issues and make timely repairs. Sometimes potholes can develop quickly, especially early in the spring.

If you see a pothole on a County road that you believe needs repairs, you can report it by:

Please note that by reporting a pothole, you are not submitting a claim to the County.   


What causes a pothole?

Potholes are generally caused by significant freeze/thaw weather cycles that damage the road surface. During these freeze/thaw cycles, water seeps into cracks in the asphalt. Changes in the temperature and the vibration from vehicles, especially heavy vehicles, causes stress on the road which can then deteriorate and create a pothole.


Repairing potholes and meeting Minimum Maintenance Standards

Although we try to fix damage as soon as possible, Provincial “Minimum Maintenance Standards(link is external) define how quickly repairs must be completed. Timing depends on the size of the pothole and the classification of the road. The Standards may be changed by the Province, but as of March 2019, they say:

“Potholes must be at least 800 cmon class 2 roads or 1000 cm2 on Class 3&4 roads and at least 8 cm deep to be considered in a “state of disrepair”. Potholes on higher speed roads and high-volume roads will be repaired within four days of being observed or reported. Potholes on lower speed and volume roads will be repaired within 14 days.”

Grey County regularly exceeds the Minimum Maintenance Standards.


Damage Claims

Grey County strives to repair road surface damage quickly and will not be held responsible for damage to vehicles or property if Provincial “Minimum Maintenance Standards for Highways” have been met. These standards are laid out in Ontario Regulation 239/02, issued by the Province under the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, c. 25, outlined above. 

Grey County

Situated two hours north of Toronto, Grey County offers beauty you can’t get in the city.

  • 595 9th Ave East Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 3E3
  • (519) 376-2205 | 1-800-567-4739