2022 Budget
In 2022, Grey County has an a budget of over $186 million. Through the direction of Grey County Council, tax dollars are put into action to serve residents, support people in need and help our community prosper.
2022 Budget Documents
2022 Budget Statistics
Total Operating and Capital Budget
$186.6 Million
Net Property Levy
$65.4 Million collected through local taxation
Breaking Down the Budget
Have you ever wondered how each tax dollar is spent? The image below shows the budget broken down by service. As you can see, there’s a lot more to the budget than roads and bridges. In fact, of every dollar spent, around $0.45 goes directly to helping people – specifically people at risk.

- Corporate Services - $0.15
- Health Care and Education Funding - $0.04
- Planning and Community Development - $0.07
- Social Services (Ontario Works and Child Care) - $0.05
- Affordable Housing Support - $0.12
- Long-Term Care - $0.12
- Paramedic Services - $0.12
- Transportation Services - $0.33

2022 Budget: $21.5 Million
Grey County maintains 887 km of roads and 192 bridges. In 2022, we’re increasing infrastructure spending to make repairs where they are needed most. Projects are planned for Grey Roads 2, 13, 8, 31, 10, 15, and intersection upgrades at 19 and 21.

Paramedic Services
2022 Budget: $7.8 Million
Grey County paramedics respond to nearly 30,000 annual calls. Innovative programs like community paramedicine are improving quality of life and helping people stay out of hospital and in their homes longer. The 2022 budget also includes funding to allow for night coverage at the Chatsworth base seven days per week.

Ontario Works and Children’s Services
2022 Budget: $3.3 Million
Ontario Works is a provincial program delivered by Grey County that provides financial and employment assistance to residents in need. Grey County also offers programs, subsidies, and information to parents with young children. In 2022 we are preparing to see an increase in our Ontario Works caseload as certain pandemic supports end. As well, we are adapting to Provincial changes that impact service delivery and funding.

Long-Term Care
2022 Budget: $7.6 Million
Grey County currently operates 316 long-term care beds at three locations. Grey County continues moving forward with the redevelopment of Rockwood Terrace in Durham to a 128-bed home. In 2022, additional hours are being funded by the Province to support an increase in direct resident care.

Affordable housing Affordable Housing
2022 Budget: $7.8 Million
Grey County maintains 997 units of affordable housing and supports the operation of an additional 500+ units of non-profit housing. Grey County also supports those experiencing homelessness. In 2022, Council is committing $622,700 in funding to the affordable housing fund. In addition, Grey County is supporting the Lutheran Social Services seniors’ housing build and will create 12 units of supportive house.

Administration, Healthcare and Education
2022 Budget: $12.2 Million
The corporate services budget ensures our programs and services are delivered efficiently and professionally. This budget includes the cost of administration, compliance with regulations, information technology, building costs (electricity, maintenance), and Grey County Council. This budget also captures commitments made to healthcare initiatives and education, including $1 million to Georgian College’s nursing degree program and $150,000 for the Markdale Hospital Foundation in 2022.

Economic Development, Tourism and Culture
2022 Budget: $3.5 Million
COVID-19 Recovery and workforce attraction and retention are priorities for Grey County’s economic development department in 2022. The Sydenham Campus is growing into a skills training, trades and innovation centre to support entrepreneurship and workforce development. Grey Roots Museum and Archives continues to expand programming. Grey County is making investments in infrastructure to support sustainable tourism.

Planning and the Environment
2022 Budget: $1.4 Million
Even during a pandemic, Grey County continues to grow. Building activity is up and there’s no sign of slowing down. Grey County is investing in climate action with the addition of a Manager of Climate Change and implementation of a climate change action plan. Investments are being made in our forest properties and trails.