Special Projects
Current special projects and initatives
Grey Bruce Local Immigration Partnership
The Grey Bruce Local Immigration Partnership brings together community partners who are invested in the successful integration of newcomers. Partnership stakeholders collaborate on newcomer-focused
2018 Municipal Election
The 2018 Municipal Election and School Board election is Monday, October 22. For information about your local election, please visit your local municipality’s website. Chatsworth West Grey Hanover
Agri-Food Business Retention and Expansion
Study Complete Thank you to everyone who participated in the study. The final report has been prapared and is available below. BR&E Study Regional partners are studying the area’s agriculture and agri
Recreational Trails Master Plan
Grey County has completed the Recreational Trails Master Plan. This Plan is to help the County manage our forests and trails and plan for the future. Grey County owns approximately 8,500 acres of
Connected County
Ag 4.0.1 Grey County is excited to continue the conversation we started in 2016 about the rural renaissance at the intersection of agriculture and technology. The second installment of Ag 4.0 was held
Alpha Street Revitalization
The Alpha Street housing community in Owen Sound is one of Grey County’s largest affordable housing properties. Originally built in the 1969, the homes were showing their age. In 2015, Grey County
Age-Friendly Communities Study
Grey County is developing an Age-Friendly Community Strategy and Action Plan View Age-Friendly Community Strategy and Action Plan We want Grey County to be inclusive and welcoming to people of all
Natural Environment Study
Grey County recently completed a Natural Heritage Study. The study identified key natural areas and linkages and recommended policies related to these features. Many of the natural heritage features
Administration Building Addition
The expansion and renovation of the Administration Building has brought more services together under one roof, making it easier to receive services in a community hub that is fully accessible. As part
Expanding Paramedicine in the Community In 2015, Grey County paramedics embarked on a two-year clinical trial to study the effectiveness of community paramedicine in reducing emergency room visits by
Recolour Grey
APPROVED! After three years of public engagement, drafts, revisions and reviews, Recolour Grey was approved by the Province on June 6, 2019. View Approved Plan Schedules A, B and C Appendices A-E
Local Food Strategic Plan
Grey County is an agricultural hub. Food production, food processing and agri-culinary tourism play an essential role in our local economy. Grey County is developing a Local Food Strategic Plan to