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Housing and Homelessness Plan

The County of Grey Housing and Homelessness Plan encompasses the entire housing continuum including homelessness prevention, transitional and emergency housing, supportive housing, rent geared to income housing, private rental housing and affordable homeownership.

Housing and Homelessness Plan

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About the Plan

Under the Housing Services Act, a municipal service managers, including Grey County, are required to have a 10-year Housing and Homelessness Plan. These plans must address matters of provincial interested and meet local relevant issues. 

Grey County completed it's first housing and homelessness plan in 2014. An official review and update was completed in 2019. 

As part of the development of the Grey County Housing and Homelessness 10 Year Plan community consultations were conducted involving a number of focus groups, information sharing sessions and surveys. The purpose of the community consultation was to identify issues and obtain recommendations from community partners, local municipalities, people with lived experience and the general public.

Here is what we heard:

  • The need for affordable, safe, accessible, well maintained housing
  • The demand for affordable housing exceeds the supply
  • A lack of economic resources is the prime reason for housing issues
  • People need housing first
  • The need for accessible supportive housing
  • The need for an emergency housing system
  • The need for advocacy to change limiting legislation
  • The education of landlords and tenants on their rights and responsibilities
  • The need for inter-agency cooperation - No Wrong Door

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Grey County

Situated two hours north of Toronto, Grey County offers beauty you can’t get in the city.

  • 595 9th Ave East Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 3E3
  • (519) 376-2205 | 1-800-567-4739