Forest Management Plan
The Forest Management Plan is a document to direct all management activities in Grey County-owned forest properties.
2021-2040 Forest Management Plan
Forest Management PlanAbout the Forest Management Plan
Click to view the Forest Management Plan maps
The Forest Management Plan is a document to direct all management activities in Grey County-owned forest properties. The plan was drafted in association with the former Grey County Forest Management Plan Advisory Committee. Members of this committee included local snowmobile clubs, trail user groups, Sydenham Sportsman Association, the logging industry, Stewardship Grey Bruce, members of Grey County Council and staff.
The Plan was updated in March 2021 for a period of 20 years from March 2021 to December 2040. The Plan was written to integrate the management of forests for “forestry purposes” as defined in the Forestry Act, the Provincial Policy Statement under the Planning Act, Niagara Escarpment Plan, Grey County Official Plan Land Use Policies, and other policies, guidelines, initiatives and documents.
Tree harvesting
For more information on harvesting or cutting down trees in Grey County, please visit: